Education is the most important thing for the children. By education, children start to open their mind to know about everything.
Humana child Aid Society
Borneo Child Aid Society
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Borneo Child Aid Society/Humana is an independent Not-for-Profit NGO based in Sabah, Malaysia on the island of Borneo. It is locally known and registered as "Humana Child Aid Society Sabah". The society is presently operating more than 70 plantation schools for over 7000 children. Thousands of children of mainly Indonesian and Philippine plantation workers in remote areas of Sabah are still without access to school because of poverty, distance or legal status. The aims of Borneo Child Aid Society is to provide education by opening Learning Centres for these children, and thereby helping to fulfill the UN's millennium goals of basic education for all children. This also will give an opportunity to study further and to participate in the society they live in. The society is depending on support from socially responsible companies or individuals to be able to continue education for thousands of children. The project has been operated solely on donations from corporations, individuals and substantial contributions from the Embassy of Finland.Director: Torben VenningHonorary Advisor: John Madsen, Kuala LumpurChairman of Committee: Peter Mathisen, Denmark
Humana Learning Center in Sabahmas (Humana House 100)
Sabahmas plantation has very good attention for its worker even the worker children. The management of Sabahmas plantation interest in children worker education. So, by cooperation with Humana (NGO that has license to give education at plantation in Sabah) realized it. The company prepared the building and all facility to make learning centre. Humana prepared to send teacher and something it need to run learning activities in Sabahmas. Humana Learning Centre in Sabahmas ( H-100) opened on 4th April 2007 with number of registered students were 180 students. And there were three teachers whom responsible H-100. They were Cikgu Nestor, Cikgu Andri, Cikgu Amir.
The building of H-100 is located at staff housing near oil mill. The worker thanks of it. You know that in H-100 all students are free of anything. The company paid all students needs to Humana. From uniform book even students get food and drink on the rest time.
The developing of Humana Learning Center
Because of H-100 could not catch all children in Sabahmas plantation who want to study, Sabahmas built 4 new school building. There were H-107 Taliwas (Sabahmas 1), H-100 Lunpadas (Sabahmas 2), H-108 Bilong (Sabahmas 3), and H-109 Segama (Sabahmas 4). Now the number of students in Sabahmas is about 300 students. And the company gives a very good attention for the learning center building and the students. All students didn’t pay anything and in rest time they got food and drink. The company often give the students gift/present such as a set of stationary and etc.
H-109 Segama Sabahmas Plantation
Education is the most important thing for the children. By education, children start to open their mind to know about everything.
Humana child Aid Society
Borneo Child Aid Society
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Borneo Child Aid Society/Humana is an independent Not-for-Profit NGO based in Sabah, Malaysia on the island of Borneo. It is locally known and registered as "Humana Child Aid Society Sabah". The society is presently operating more than 70 plantation schools for over 7000 children. Thousands of children of mainly Indonesian and Philippine plantation workers in remote areas of Sabah are still without access to school because of poverty, distance or legal status. The aims of Borneo Child Aid Society is to provide education by opening Learning Centres for these children, and thereby helping to fulfill the UN's millennium goals of basic education for all children. This also will give an opportunity to study further and to participate in the society they live in. The society is depending on support from socially responsible companies or individuals to be able to continue education for thousands of children. The project has been operated solely on donations from corporations, individuals and substantial contributions from the Embassy of Finland.Director: Torben VenningHonorary Advisor: John Madsen, Kuala LumpurChairman of Committee: Peter Mathisen, Denmark
Humana Learning Center in Sabahmas (Humana House 100)
Sabahmas plantation has very good attention for its worker even the worker children. The management of Sabahmas plantation interest in children worker education. So, by cooperation with Humana (NGO that has license to give education at plantation in Sabah) realized it. The company prepared the building and all facility to make learning centre. Humana prepared to send teacher and something it need to run learning activities in Sabahmas. Humana Learning Centre in Sabahmas ( H-100) opened on 4th April 2007 with number of registered students were 180 students.
The building of H-100 is located at staff housing near oil mill. The worker thanks of it. You know that in H-100 all students are free of anything. The company paid all students needs to Humana. From uniform book even students get food and drink on the rest time.
The developing of Humana Learning Center
Because of H-100 could not catch all children in Sabahmas plantation who want to study, Sabahmas built 4 new school building. There were H-107 Taliwas (Sabahmas 1), H-100 Lunpadas (Sabahmas 2), H-108 Bilong (Sabahmas 3), and H-109 Segama (Sabahmas 4). Now the number of students in Sabahmas is about 300 students. And the company gives a very good attention for the learning center building and the students. All students didn’t pay anything and in rest time they got food and drink. The company often give the students gift/present such as a set of stationary and etc.
Humana House 109 Segama (Sabahmas4)
Humana House 109 Segama (Sabahmas 4) is located at the farest place in Sabahmas Plantation. It is in Segama Complex. The distance from oil mill is about 14 km. As the progress of Humana house 100 (now, it become Humana House 100 Lunpadas), H-109 segama was opened on 7th January 2008 and the number of registered students were 86 students. There were two teacher who responsible to the school. They are Cikg Inggron Data and Cikgu Ircam Fanani. Then, Cikgu Ircam moved to Kunak on 22nd July 2008 and Cikgu Inggron backed to Indonesia because he had finished his job contract on 25th August 2008. Now there are three teachers there. They are Cikgu Hadi Subeno (moved in H-109 on 25th July 2008, before in sabahmas Cikgu Hadi teaches in H-44 Asiatic Mewah Sandakan District from 14th May 2007 until 24th July 2008), Cikgu Syamsul Arifin ( moved in H-109 in September 2008, from Dam road), and Cikgu Bayu Indra Gunawan( moved in H-109 in February 2009, from Bonrich ).
H-109 students.
There are 79 active students now (3rd Oct 2008). They are 42 males and 37 females. Spread in each level from Kindergarten 1 until primary 4. Although it has run since January 2008, we have six levels in this school. We divide them based on their ability and their age. As information, that some of our students have ever gotten education. Or they have ever studied at school in Sabah-Malaysia, in Indonesia, or in the other learning center. We classify them at Kindergarten 1 there are 45 students, at kindergarten 2 there are 15 students, primary 1 there are 6 students, primary 2 there are 8 students, primary 3 there are 3 students, and primary 4 there are 2 students.
All students in H-109 Segama are Indonesian and all of them are Muslim. There are 70 students who lived in Segama complex and 9 students who lived in Quary complex (the distance from learning centre is about 9 km). For students from Quary the company picks them up by car every morning when they went to school and afternoon when they backed home.
The Learning Activities.
The learning activities in H-109 used Malaysian curriculum and special for kajian tempatan subject we insert material about Indonesia, because they are from Indonesia. And it had been already permitted by Malaysia ministry of education.
H-109 students.
There are 104 active students now (16th March 2009). Spread in each level from Kindergarten 1 until primary 5. Although it has run since January 2008, we have six levels in this school. We divide them based on their ability and their age. As information, that some of our students have ever gotten education. Or they have ever studied at school in Sabah-Malaysia, in Indonesia, or in the other learning center. We classify them at Kindergarten 1 there are 34 students, at kindergarten 2 there are 23 students, primary 1 there are 19 students, primary 2 there are 9 students, primary 9 there are 3 students, primary 4 there are 2 students and primary 5 there are 4 students.
The learning activities in H-109 used Malaysian curriculum and special for kajian tempatan subject we insert material about Indonesia, because they are from Indonesia. And it had been already permitted by Malaysia ministry of education.